Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Welcome to A Steven Universe Blog

What is Steven Universe?

Before I get into the details, I must disclose that from this point on there will be spoilers. You have been warned.  For those of you who decided to stay, Steven Universe is a show whose protagonist, Steven, is a 14 year old boy-gem hybrid. In this show, gems are extraterrestrial beings whose magical abilities are derived from a gemstone embedded in their bodies. In fact, their bodies are projections that come from their magical gems (more on that later). Steven Universe presents itself as a goofy children's cartoon in the beginning, however it quickly delves into more serious topics after we learn that Steven's mother, Rose Quartz, died so that he may draw life from her gem. These topics along with the music made me fall in love with the show. If you want to get an idea of how talented the songwriter's are, please watch this extended intro.

Blog Objectives

When creating this blog, I had a hard time deciding what to focus on. The show's story is so rich that I felt like it would be a huge disservice if I just focused on one thing. For that reason, I decided to cast my net as wide as possible. I will be creating extensive profiles of my favorite Steven Universe characters, starting with the Crystal Gems. The Crystal Gems are Steven's guardians and self-proclaimed defenders of earth. The video above gives a good introduction to the team. In each of these character profiles, I will discuss their role in the show, their powers and abilities, and the character development they underwent. I hope you enjoy the posts!

From left to right: Pearl, Amethist, Steven, Garnet

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